Bike Course
Bike Course Map was updated on June 6th, 2014. Please check the updated map.
The Bike course is an open 17.3mile loop and begins at the exit on the West end of the Bike Barn. Bikers will walk their bikes out of the barn to the mount line. They will not be allowed to mount their bike until their helmet strap is fastened. They will exit the fairgrounds turning right on Carpenter. Proceed to Pacific Ave turning right. Proceed on Pacific to Union Mills and Turn right. Stay on Union Mills until it terminates on Marvin and turn left. Go to the traffic circle at Pacific and Marvin. Stay in the right hand lane which will be closed to traffic and coned off. Bikers will turn right onto Pacific as it becomes Yelm Hwy route 510. Proceed to Old Yelm Hwy turning right. Proceed to Meridian and turn right. Proceed to Mullen turning left. Proceed to Carpenter turning right. Proceed to boat Launch Street turning right. Dismount at line and enter transition at East side of Bike Barn. Proceed down appropriate row to rack bike and get on running gear. Runners will continue West thru transition to exit at corner and on to run course.